Corporate social responsibility

CSR Portrait n°21: Aden


Head of Prospective and Strategy at Aden Vietnam

1) Can you explain your activity in a few words?

I am in charge of prospective and strategy which means anticipating trends that are developing and responding with business intelligence about addressable markets and segments for Aden’s activities in Vietnam. I also need to take into account central concerns of sustainability and CSR which we see as a key component of responsible Integrated Facility Management.


2) Have you already implemented a social or environmental project in your company? Or do you have a sustainable development policy in Vietnam?

Yes. One of the big initiatives I’ve undertaken since I joined Aden 6 months was setting up our first data hub to track and visualise gender equality data from International Women’s Day (IWD) between 2020 and 2021. I also have been involved in CCIFV event ‘’ Foot For Hope’’ and in other initiatives from local NGOs. Hopefully, from Hanoi to HCMC many new events such as clean-up initiatives and sponsored running will pop up soon, although they are currently frozen with COVID-19 situation. As we are also a leading company in Food Service, we have an important role to play regarding environment and sustainable development policy. Everywhere we propose to accompany our clients in their no-plastic policies.


3) What is your next step?

Besides activities to reduce plastic use and raise awareness of this issue, our next step is to take actions in Vietnam that reduce our carbon footprint globally. This is why I am currently working on identifying existing good practices to be promoted and finding new actionable solutions to continue optimising our carbon footprint in our food service solutions in Vietnam. Our supply chain’s carbon footprint is a key element I am focusing on, which has to be examined from many perspectives – everything from hygiene solutions to the sourcing of food.


4) What type of advice would you give to other companies in Vietnam to launch a CSR project?

1. Data is a must have. Be more Excel, less PowerPoint! Really, systematically collecting and tracking data is the key to successful CSR or even ESG projects. This is one of the biggest focuses for our group and the way we work with clients.

2. If you have young employees, then you probably have a base of people who are passionate about sustainability and corporate accountability. This is the most committed and digital generation we’ve ever seen, so involve your youngest collaborators all along the journey - listen to their ideas, particularly on how they can use social media to get your message out.

3. Keep room for movement, agility, adaptation so you can give more impact to your CSR actions. Also, Vietnamese collaborators will provide the necessary input to better adapt your strategy to a Vietnamese perspective, with a deeper understanding of the possibilities for action and implementation.

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