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Vietnam is one of the happiest countries in the word in 2016

Vietnam is the fourth happiest country in the world, according to the 2016 End of Year Survey by Indochina Research as part of Win/Gallup International global research in 66 countries. Vietnam is also in the top ten most optimist countries about overall prospect and economic outlook for 2017.

About End of Year Survey

WIN/Gallup International, the world’s leading association in market research and polling, has published its 40th Annual End of Year Survey exploring the outlook, expectations, views and beliefs of 66541 people from 66 countries across the globe. In Vietnam, the research was conducted by Indochina Research, WIN/Gallup partner for Southeast Asia, with a total of 700 people aged from 15 to 64 year-old interviewed, split equally between Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh city. 

Happiness Index

Two in three (68%) citizens of the world report being happy, a figure which has risen 2% from twelve months ago, despite a year in which the world has seen considerable change and a year of frequent and terrorist attacks. Of the people surveyed, 9% said that they were unhappy, down from 10% at the end of 2015. Overall this means that the world is +59% net happy (happiness minus unhappiness).  

Vietnam is the fourth happiest country with the net happiness of 78%, behind only Fiji, China and Philippines. Only 1% of people surveyed in Vietnam said they are unhappy. Last year, Vietnam was also in the world’s top 5 happiest countries.

Regionally, those in East Asia and Oceania significantly happier than those in the Middle East, with Iraq being the unhappiest country.

Economic Optimism Index

When it comes to economic outlook, Vietnamese people are the fifth most optimist in the world, with 59% of people asked said 2017 will be a year of economic prosperity, 26% said it will remain the same compared to this year and 12% said it will be a year of economic difficulty. The net optimism (the percentage of those saying next year will be one of economic prosperity minus the percentage who say next year will be one of economic difficulty) is 47%.

Globally, economic optimism has declined from twelve months ago. The study shows that 42% of the world is optimistic for the economic outlook in 2017, almost double (22%) of those who are pessimistic. Net optimism has fallen from +23% to +20%. 

European citizens are significantly less optimistic than anywhere else in the world: EU Europe net score of -26%. Within Europe, economic pessimism is most acutely felt in Italy (net score of -48%), the UK (net score of -38%) and France (net score of -35%). Only Korea and Hong Kong, who have witnessed a year of political and economic turmoil, are more pessimistic (net scores of -62% and -56%). 

Hope Index

To the question of “Do you think that 2017 will be better, worse or the same as 2016?”, 59% of people interviewed in Vietnam said it will be better, 12% said it will be worse and 26% said it will be the same. With the net score (better minus worse) of 47%, Vietnam is ranked 9th of the most optimist countries.

At the world level, majority (52%) of the planet feeling that overall 2017 will be better than 2016, although one in seven (15%) feel it will be worse (giving a net score of +37%, which represents a small drop of 2% points from a year ago). 

After a year of political and economic turmoil, Italy, Hong Kong, Greece and South Korea show the most concerns for the year ahead, with the net score of ranked from -42% to -30%.

Established in 1994, Indochina Research is a regional specialist operating in Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, and Myanmar, delivering quality services for both social and commercial research to our international and local partners.

For more information:
Mr Xavier Depouilly - General Manager | xavier(@)
Ms Hai Anh – Communication Manager |


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